martes, mayo 21

20 deseos y saludos del Año Nuevo Chino para 2024


  1. Chinese New Year is a time for celebration, renewal and reflection.

    As we look forward to the Year of the Dragon which is fast approaching, it is important not to forget to send meaningful greetings to those who matter most to us.

    This is a tradition during that involves sharing heartfelt greetings and wishes. To help you convey your warmest wishes, we have compiled a list of 20 popular and wishes that you can share with your loved ones and colleagues.




    Wishing you great luck in the Year of the Dragon and may everything go your way (祝您龙年大吉,万事如意)
    Wishing you wealth and prosperity, and may you have good health (恭喜发财, 身体健康)
    A new year brings new atmospheres, and may the lucky stars shine upon you. (新年新气象,福星高照。)
    May wealth flow in abundantly, and may you have the energy and spirit of dragons and horses. (财源滚滚,龙马精神)
    May the golden dragon dance joyfully, and happiness be boundless. (金龙舞翩翩,喜气洋洋。)
    Wishing harmony and beauty to every family. (和和美美,家家户户。)
    May every year be peaceful, and have a joyous Spring Festival. (岁岁平安,春节愉快)
    May you leap like dragons and tigers, with a future that spans thousands of miles. (龙腾虎跃,前程万里)
    May there be surplus and abundance every year, and may your family be filled with joy. (年年有余,阖家欢乐。)
    Always smile and be happy, and may you have both prosperity and good fortune. (笑口常开,福禄双全。)
    Let dragons fly and phoenixes dance, making the occasion extraordinarily lively. (龙飞凤舞,热闹非凡。)
    May you make great plans and sail smoothly towards them. (大展宏图,一帆风顺。)
    May you be as proud as if you’ve caught the spring breeze, rising higher with every step. (春风得意,步步高升。)
    Wishing you auspiciousness, wealth, and health in the Year of the Dragon. (龙年吉祥,富贵安康。)
    May you have the vigour of dragons and horses, and be spirited and full of vitality. (龙马精神,意气风发。)
    May your family be blessed with happiness, and may everything turn out better than you hope. (合家幸福,万事胜意)
    Be spirited and lively, and may good luck follow you continuously. (神采奕奕,好运连连。)
    Greet laughter from every direction, and may you have peace throughout the seasons. (笑迎八方,四季平安。)
    May all your endeavours thrive, and everything goes as. Summary ends.


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